
Hi everyone!

My name is Harry Thavaganeshan, I was born on the 18th of September 1999. My primary goal in life is to become succesful and take others with me in my journey towards succes. I love analyzing people and helping or supporting them to find the right path for them. I think that the 'right' path is a path that offers continuity in both emotional and financial stability as I believe that the ideal way of living is 'joyful survival' and living it the way you want to be remembered. Yes, you will need to fight to get what is yours, but no, you should not lose yourself along that journey.

I have a BSc. in Interdisciplinary studies and Biomedical sciences, and I will be an MSc. in Management, Entrepreneurship and Policy analysis. Although this might sound very fancy, in the end I must acknowledge that most of what I have learned is through experience, and not through some education system. Through life I have met and helped many wonderful people with each their own passion and goal in life, which has taught me a lot in terms of what is possible and what is not.

I can say with confidence that whatever challenge you throw at me, I will finish it with style, accuracy and efficiency. I believe that as long as one holds true to his/her belief and embraces a challenge simply with the goal of showing that you are capable enough, that one will definitely complete the challenge purely due to persistence and the inner spirit that wants to prove itself within this competitive world.

The latter is exactly what I encourage others to do, and I have done so through my whole life. If there is one thing that I can assure you, then it is that whatever challenge you embrace or are going through; you will learn from it. And if you learn from it, it will give you information to adapt yourself. And if you adapt yourself, then you will become better each and every time. For some people, those adaptations are easy and for some it comes in smaller steps. Either way, you will get there, as long as you keep focus and keep trying.

As for myself, my end goal is setting up an academy for people who have lost their path. This can be due to choosing the wrong education, a previous toxic path, a current discouraging path, or anything. I just love seeing people grow happy the more they move towards an end goal that you have formulated with them, and that is exactly what I aim to do. That academy might be a goal for later, but the latter, that's exactly what I try to do everyday. Helping people gives me energy and I am happy to do so, even if I get called a people pleaser for that.

As I said in the beginning; live your life as you want to be remembered. As for me, I want to be remembered as the one that always rose to help, even when people thought I would be aiding a lost cause. I want to be remembered as the guy that always perceived the hard paths as the most fun and as the guy that always rocked challenges that none would take. Simply because that is what drives me. So if you have a challenge, or if you need help or just someone to talk about opportunities and options, then feel free to contact me.

As I always say: Always be up for a challenge and Never lose focus,

Harry Thava