Structuring my posts

As I always say, it is very important to plan ahead. With this, I absolutely do not mean that you should plan out your full life, or maybe even your weeks. Even I do not plan like that, because I feel like it is a waste of time in MY case (more on that in another post). However, I strongly believe that it is important to think like a strategist, oversee the field that you are marching into and dominating that same field by studying it. I get that I make this sound too much like a game, but to be honest, it genuinely is just my perspective on life.

Anyway, this post is just meant to show you the structure that I will be using to structure my posts. I am pretty sure that through time I will deviate from the structure, but I believe that initial conceptualizing can make posting easier for me. I notice that I struggle with what I want to post, even though I have a million ideas. This is not because of me not being able to write it down, but simply because I cannot just suddenly drop posts on subject X without introducing it properly (1) and having a proper bridge (2). This post solves all of that (for me at least).

For now, the structure that I will uphold will entail:

  • Career Development
  • Experience-based life lessons
  • Skillset Development

Career development will include CV training, Scouting tips, Cover letter writing and Finding oneself.
Experience-based life lessons will entail the lessons I learned and taught through experiences of my own and others.
Skillset development will include easy, yet important skill tips. This can range from easy Excel tips to complex Lean Six Sigma or Design Thinking pages.

As of now, I do not know in what frequency or what sequence I will post about these, but this structure does give me (and hopefully you) a sense of what is to come on my storyline. I must say that even though the first post was two weeks ago, it is this post that makes me feel like I have properly begun. I do not get satisfied with meager accomplishments when it comes to myself. This means that I love to push myself to the limit to ensure that what I am posting is as perfect as I can make it. I will do my best!

Follow your goals and Never lose focus,
