Why I am sharing my stories

As I said in the last story, I would explain why and how I got to the point of blogging. It actually all started with me watching an Ali Abdaal video about why it is important to present yourself.

For those of you that know me, you would know that I thoroughly hate bragging about myself or showing off. At the same time you probably also know that I turn introverted due to my perfectionism when it comes to putting myself online. I barely post on any of my social media.

Now, during the video of Ali Abdaal, the guy says something quite interesting. He says something along the lines of 'it is not about showing off, but about showing your work to others'. This got me thinking as it actually reflects on something I have done my entire life already.

My whole life I have been teaching others, helping others, improving myself, and focusing on becoming as efficient as possible. Many of you may know this already, but I do all of the aforementioned by formulating and redefining a lot of different strategies in my head and then applying them. However, I have been sharing these strategies individually most of the time, which poses two problems.

First of all, by sharing it individually, re-use of the strategies leads to me having to explain everything repeatedly, which is inefficient. Secondly, my goal in life has always been to help as many people as possible until I leave this earth (preferably by guiding them to the path they would like to pursue, which could be related to career or emotional well-being). With that goal, I realize that I have helped quite a lot of people as of now, but also that I would like to expand to a wider audience.

For both not having to repeat my strategies, as well as being able to expand my target demographic, I think sharing my stories on this website will be rather efficient. Especially considering that I have so much strategies that I have never even put on paper. It will serve as an existing databank for me, but also for any future visitors and students that I will send to this website.

For the last part of this post, I thought it would be nice to already give a short preview of the strategy types I will talk about. The topics I will talk about most of the time are:

  • Career-development
  • Solution-based communication
  • Effective and intriguing presenting
  • Leadership
  • Getting what you want
  • Maximizing growth
  • Overcoming struggles
  • and more...

Thank you for reading!

Eyes on the Goal and Never Lose Focus✌🏾🤞🏾